Thursday, February 7, 2008

THANKS UHNOGas members and supporters!!

Update on the Zoning Meeting ALMOST held on February 4, 2008.
We arrived to the meeting. We sat down, and we waited, the room got full. We think at least 100 people, but could have been easily more, were there. People arrived slowly. By 6:00pm though, the Zoning Committee members, and the Councilpersons were almost all there. The almost makes the difference. Channel 3 news, and News Channel 5 were there as well, and taping.
Mr. Goldberg (VP of Waterway Gas and Wash Company) started explaining again his project. He said that some changes have been made. One of them was that by re-drawing the plan, they don't need anymore the 10 feet variance. I think that they squeezed the gas station, car wash, and convenience store a little more.
Who do you think may notice?
Anyway, he was making the point that this small business is consented by the ordinance... (I have to look it up, be patient, tomorrow, when I am fresh, I'll put it in) that states that a gas station and car accessories sales are authorized by the zoning and even a car wash (I didn't see that part on the page of the ordinance I got, I'll check again). Anyway, we were all listening when Councilwoman Frankie Goldberg walks in and says that people, at least 25, are outside and would like to come in. At this point, the debate starts: the meeting is already in session, but the people are outside. Do we go to a Synagogue? It's too short notice. The fire marshalls absolutely cannot let anymore people in the building. Do we leave these people outside? For Mr. Zucker, this would be the right solution, everybody else says that they may have something to say and, being a public meeting, we should give them the possibility of hearing what is being said and evntually to reply. The matter is put to a vote. Except for the Mayor and Mr. Zucker, everybody else votes in favor of the rescheduling. The dates will be worked out with Mr.Goldman, the zoning committee Members, and the Councilpersons. The possible locations may be:John Carroll University, or Wiley Middle School's Auditorium.
At the end of the short meeting everybody went outside, and there we informed the people waiting of what went on. The media was out there as soon as they heard that more than 25 people were outside. We'll follow the developments watching the news, and we will keep you posted as soon as we learn more.
You can pat your backs sustainers, we are proud of all of you. We just need to keep it up, and keep showing up, showing that we care.


Anonymous said...

I thought that an appeal would be filed by a neighbor not a councilman. Obviously a sleazy move as he maneuvers for his run for mayor

Anonymous said...

This blog is a farce.

An entire thread of comments has been deleted in the past 48 hours because there were too many sound arguments against your cause.

I guess you can't stand to face criticism and a real debate.

I don't see the city destroying the minutes of their meetings.

Anonymous said...

what councilman filed an appeal? when?
yes... why were the comments deleted? apparently I missed something.....

Anonymous said...

I was responsible for the deletion of the post and related comments. Waterway was abusing them as means to fulfill its own agenda, and make publicity for itself. I believe in freedom of speech, but not in invading spaces to their convenience obliterating the rights of expression of people. It was becoming cumbersome replying to them point after point. We have an answer for everything they say, but not the time to keep up with every single point to show them how unfair they are, and unrespectful! We don't want to be into polemics and in the conditions in which we go: "I said, you said". This is our Blog not Waterway's. Their comments are welcome as long as they don't manipulate it as they please. Until Waterway learns to play fair, and trust me it does not! We cannot let them take over our few freedoms left before they invade our lives. I apologize for having upset you, but I felt it was necessary to make a point with Waterway. They can blog as well, but they have to play fair.

Anonymous said...

Good job, UHNOgas. I do not want this gas station in University Heights and that is all there is to it.

Anonymous said...

I was responsible for the deletion of the post and related comments. Waterway was abusing them as means to fulfill its own agenda, and make publicity for itself.

That's not true and you know it. I saw no comments in that thread from this Bluestone person. There were mostly comments in the thread supporting your cause. I posted rebutting several points, and I have nothing to do with Waterway. I've been very involved in local issues for years - I am responsible for the petition campaign to repeal the school levy.

Anonymous said...

bwagner, go read some of bluestone's comments. You are looking at things, and commenting on them, as an objective person, and we recognize this. Bluestone comments as he or she has a vested interest in the matter.
He, she or both, try to undermine our credibility. They say that we have to try and find the positive and embrace our destiny, they claim that Waterway is a "good neighbor", how do they know this if they are not related in any way with them, and Watwerway's headquarters are in Missouri? They provided technical information that only gas station experts would know, and so on and so forth. They can say whatever they want, but we know that bluestone is Waterway, and you are not.

Anonymous said...

go read some of bluestone's comments.

I HAVE read many of them, but NOT in the deleted thread. That thread was dominated by people on your side. There are several threads where Bluestone has at least a plurality of the comments, and those threads remain. The pattern of your deletions does not support the credibility of your stated reason.

You are looking at things, and commenting on them, as an objective person,

NO ONE hear is very objective - EVERYONE brings a position to the table. I simply support mine in a consistent and logically sound manner. That's not objectivity; it's simply having a sound principled basis for my position, but it doesn't change that I have a position.

Bluestone comments as he or she has a vested interest in the matter.

Maybe, but that's not the opposite of objectivity; it's just a more simple motivation. All the UHNOGAS people here have openly claimed to have a vested interest in the matter as well - their investments in their homes. Their vested interest is no more noble or righteous than that of a Waterway investor - money is money, despite the class warfare lens through which you prefer to portray it.

He, she or both, try to undermine our credibility.

NEWSFLASH - that's how debate works. He's characterizing your position as being based on rationalizations, like sour grapes, that most people hold to be illegitimate. The ironic part is, you're doing the same thing, and badly. You're engaging in ad hominem, focusing on his identity rather than his points. It doesn't matter who he is, only what he says. Saddam Hussein could have, in his lifetime, made valid assertions, and support them in a sound manner, and Mother Theresa could have occasionally been dead wrong on things.

they claim that Waterway is a "good neighbor", how do they know this if they are not related in any way with them, and Watwerway's headquarters are in Missouri?

Fallacy alert. Is Neil Armstrong the only person who knows anything about the moon? I've made the drive to Missouri several times, it's not that far, and we have these amazing inventions like telephones and the Internet. I know that life sucks for the average resident of Kabul, and I've never left the Western Hemisphere. If this is the best response you have to Bluestone, maybe embracing your destiny is a good idea.

They provided technical information that only gas station experts would know, and so on and so forth.

I've been in social gatherings where NOT knowing this information is considered scandalous ignorance. I would hope that ANYONE who wants to be taken seriously in this would take the time to educate themselves about such things. It's all just a mouse click away. So what you're saying is that you try to silence Bluestone because he's done his homework? Wow, now THAT'S the way *I* want people making decisions in my community, NOT!!!

They can say whatever they want, but we know that bluestone is Waterway

Based on this "stellar" evidence you've offered so far?

Anonymous said...

What happened to my comments. I will just re-post. I guess if you do not agree with other points of view you just yank them. Yes, I am for the Waterway project. I went to the meeting on the 14th and while I respect others opinion against it, so many of the anti-waterway people were rude, I was appalled. Some shouted and and talked while others tried to. The truth is, so what if the Waterway people smirked, after being treated as we as a community have treated them, I wold smirk to. Grow up. And so what, the Mayors got a call, this is your evidence of a woman who has served UH for 30 years has no respect for its citizens? Give me a break. Most who were against behaved appropriately, but I saw none of them reprimand those who did. It seems you you nit pick those who you do not agree with you (or just delete their blogs) and let those that are of like mind off the hook. I was going to speak in favor at the next meeting but I will not now. Frankly, you people just scare me.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Scivittaro, I've posted this in another thread, but I'll post here to make this clear; I have no connections with Waterway. None. I simply work in UH. I think this project will benefit from this enterprise. I may buy gas there. I may buy items in the store. I probably won't have my car washed there as I choose to clean my car in my own driveway. I started posting here because what I was reading was extremely biased. I felt that much was irrational. But recently, other folks have started posting interesting, well reasoned, comments. I can understand where some people may not want this business. I happen to disagree. I don't live here so I don't attend the meetings. I really don't have a voice in the matter. Except here. BTW, I'm male.