Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 24, 2008 Meeting Results Update

At today's workgroup meeting it became exceedingly clear that if our voices of opposition are to be heard by the City Council of University Heights, it will have to be the collective voices of the majority of University Heights residents. Apparently, it is not enough to be a concerned, frustrated, and fearful resident of Lansdale or Bushnell roads. No, our views on our street by itself does not matter. I bet our votes are going to matter when the time comes. It is now more important than ever that we work together whether we live on these streets or not. This proposed monstrosity of a car wash will affect all our lives, all our property values and it will have adverse implications for all our safety, quality of life and sense of pride in our community. We should all be concerned about what this infiltration in our neighborhood will mean for the quality of life and the perception of our city, property values and community life 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now. Our opposition against this carwash, gas station structure is as much about our quality of life today as it is about our future. We are not a first ring suburb, not yet, but if this structure goes up, we will be well on the way to having to contend with a host of issues that come with having rental properties and negligent property owners. None of which this city will be able to deal with effectively. Please inform your neighbor, tell a friend, tell your colleague at work who lives in UH. You will be surprised how many UH residents still do not know about these plans! Send out emails, post your comments on this blog. Let the city council know that you matter, that we matter. Tell them that the taxes the city will get per year from this structure will not compensate for the short and long term losses they will suffer financially. Two weeks ago, this city council most likely believed approving the gasstation plans were a slam dunk! Our neighborhood activism and outrage made them think otherwise. After all, we vote in this city. We pay taxes in this city. We raise families in this city. We care about this city. We have a say in what happens in this city!Maghboeba

January 24, 2008 6:26 PM


Anonymous said...

We totally agree with your comments and will be attending the Council meeting. -Renee and Dave on Fenwood.

Anonymous said...

I live on Warrensville Center Road and walk or ride a bicycle to do most of my shopping. This is a totally inappropriate place for a car wash. Who ever heard of a car wash next to residences? Ridiculous.

University Heights has become a city where it is possible to walk to all your shopping needs, and yet it is not pedestrian friendly. The city's 2 main drags, Cedar and Warrensville are without trees, which makes walking on a hot day unbearable.University Square seems to have been designed with no thought given to pedestrian access. I hope that beyond sinking this ill-conceived car wash proposal, citizens and the city can start to think about making this a better city for walkers & cyclists.

Thank you.